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Pranjwal Gupta


Technical Skills|Full Stack Developer| C| C++| Java| Servlet| Jsp| JDBC| Hibernate| Spring| Spring-JDBC| Spring-Orm| Spring-MVC| Spring boot| HTML|CSS|Javascript|React Js|Next JS|MY SQL| RESTAPI|Tailwind| OOPs| Postman



Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology (NIET) ,Greater Noida


Government Girls Polytechnic,Lucknow


Bhartiya Inter College,Pihani-Hardoi


Intermediate Object-Oriented Programming with Java

In this Course, I Will Be Learn Object-oriented programming with Java. We will learn and explore more advanced topics of object-oriented programming with Java.

Introduction to Java Programming

I have learned in this course: * How to navigate and use the NetBeans IDE to create Java projects, packages and programs. * How to declare and use Java Datatypes & Identifiers, work with Java Operators, work with Java Decision Making Constructs. * How to work with Java repetition/Looping Constructs, declare and use Java Arrays,as well as work with the java Exception Handling mechanism.


In this course, I ll learn and practice the most fundamental ES6 features with examples. and I Will start writing modern JavaScript and understand I need ES6. Mastering modern JavaScript starts with understanding the reasoning behind the main ES6 features - arrow functions, variables, template literals, etc.

Introduction to Web Development with HTML, CSS, JavaScript

I have learned in this course: * In this course I learned the essential things of web development HTML, CSS, Javascript. and I also read version control system git and GitHub in it.
